Friends that did Something Good

Oren "Von" Limbaugh of the Limbaugh Law Firm

Oren “Von” Limbaugh
Limbaugh Law Firm, Colorado

Von and Michelle Limbaugh are the kind of friends everybody wishes they had. He’s smart, friendly, conscientious, and a man of integrity. His wife Michelle has the same qualities, but I’m biased. She is a lot of fun.

Recently, we had the pleasure of having them over for dinner. Naturally, I served all kinds of delectable Southwest food.

Smothered in red chile adobe sauce (thank you Rick Bayless), tender chunks of sirloin paired nicely with crisp zucchini squash, and tiny lentil cakes, aromatic with cilantro and cumin, peppered our palates with a touch of spice. Tortillas, fresh from one of the many Mom and Pop tortilla factories in Denver (no websites, just great food), soaked up any leftover sauce, but I think I saw Michelle lick the plate.

She volunteered to help dish out the food (we had ten people at our table), and by the time we served pumpkin custard over crumbled pecan cookies, our guests were living proof that, as the Spanish proverbs goes, barriga llena, corazón contento (a full stomach makes a happy heart).



Today I received something that made my heart happy in a different way. The Limbaugh’s sent me two books to aid my historical novel research (both books autographed by the author!).

The Spanish Frontier in North America, by David J. Weber, 1992, and

The Cross in the Sand, by Michael V. Gannon, 1965.

In the latter book, which I opened randomly, I found something underlined in red that reminded me of Michelle. Next to a photo of a beautiful sculpture were the words, “Señora de la Leche y buen parto,” translated, Our Nursing Mother of Happy Delivery.



Although this post is unusual in content, it is fitting that I write it, and here’s why:

In this busy world, when someone takes time to think of others and then translate that thought into something tangible, a generosity of spirit grows. The Limbaugh’s kindness has infused my heart with joy, and it will remain an example that no act of kindness is ever too small to go unnoticed.



… from another frame of reference.

When I read the history of the Old Spanish Missions, I am overwhelmed. The foundation of European beliefs collided with a labyrinth of methodologies so unfamiliar, we continue to this day to unravel a controversy; are the best intentions really the best? What can I learn from the struggles, the aspirations, the conviction of ideas?

On the home page of this website I ask, “Have you ever wanted to do something nice for someone and have it turn out all wrong?” For me, it comes down to motivation. After that, I’ve learned to ask myself if my actions promote understanding or division? Acceptance or dissent? Tough questions, but these are the heart of why I write; I am an explorer in search of answers to some of history’s most difficult questions.

The books Von and Michelle gave me will certainly advance my education, but more importantly, they gave me an answer to at least one of my questions. They wanted to do something nice and it turned out all good.

Thanks guys! Let’s do it again sometime soon.

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